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The Automatic Elbow Machine PRO offers the fastest and most efficient way of producing Gored elbows. From welded to finished high-quality and tight bend in one single operation. Totally automatic process without any intervention from the operator, safe and easy.

Unique Features

» Choose 4 or 5 segment edition (22.5° or 30° angle)
» State-of-the-art Touch screen HMI
» 100% automatic working process, no hands on operation
» Constant quality process and 0 scrap
» Makes a rigid and fix high quality lock seamed bend
» Works perfectly with pre-assembled gaskets, for type D production

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Spiro® Connect

Connect your computer with the latest generations of our Spiro® machines.

More information


If you are interested in 2nd hand machines, please have a look at our Marketplace.

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If you want to see the Spiro machines in action, we offer to you and your team a personal live demo.

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